Wij voeren met name Barth-lijsten (Larson-Juhl). Voor grotere lijsten en speciale opdrachten gelden speciale tarieven of hoeveelheden. In het kort geldt dat speciale lijsten op maat 1,4x de prijs van standaardlijsten kosten. Daarom hebben we veel keuze in tussenmaten, zo dat er meestal wel een standaadlijst te krijgen is. Wissellijsten, baklijsten tot en met ongeveer 70x90 cm kunnen redelijk veilig worden verstuurd. Voor grotere maten of speciale hoeveelheden of vereisten maken we graag een offerte.

Daarnaast zijn er passe-par-tout papier, s-haken, kanthaken, senkelhalters, ophang-ogen, ophangdraad, j-rail, dubbelzijdig zuurvrij tape, ophangstangen en perlon ophangdraden e.d. ook in deze rubriek te vinden.

€ 13,95
kleur en dikte: 2x transparant, 4,3x3,2mm x 150cm BA-ES43TR , 2x transparant, 6,4x4,3mm x 150cm BA-ES43TR , 2x wit, 4,3x3,2mm x 150cm BA-ES43WT, 2x wit, 6,4x4,3mm x 150cm BA-ES43WT, 2x zwart, 4,3x3,2mm x 150cm BA-ES43ZW, 2x zwart, 6,4x4,3mm x 150cm BA-ES43ZW
€ 7,95
KLEUR EN BREEDTE: bruin, 35mmx200m, bruin, 48mmx200m, wit, 35mmx200m, wit, 48mmx200m, wit, 60mmx200m
€ 19,95
Lijst Barth Profiel 1125: 2x50x65cm natuurwit, 2x50x70cm natuurwit, 2x60x80cm natuurwit, 4x70x70cm natuurwit, 4x70x90cm natuurwit, 4x70x100cm natuurwit, 18x24cm natuurwit, 21x29,7cm(A4) natuurwit, 24x30cm natuurwit, 30x40cm natuurwit, 40x40cm natuurwit, 40x50cm natuurwit, 50x50cm natuurwit, 50x60cm natuurwit
€ 5,95
Maat en kleur: Groot rvs-look (20mm/max.20kilogram), Groot wit (20mm/max.20kilogram), Klein rvs-look (18mm/max.12,5kilogram), Klein wit (18mm/max.12,5kilogram)
€ 22,95
maat en glassoort: 2x 50x60cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x60cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm float glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm museum glas, 4x 70x90cm, 2mm float glas, 4x 70x90cm, 2mm museum glas, 13x18cm, 2mm floatglas, 13x18cm, 2mm museum, 18x24cm, 2mm floatglas, 18x24cm, 2mm museumglas AR70, 24x30cm, 2mm float glas, 24x30cm, 2mm museumglas, 30x30cm, 2mm float glas, 30x30cm, 2mm museum glas, 30x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x40cm, 2mm float glas, 40x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x50cm, 2mm float glas, 40x50cm, 2mm museum glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm float glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x50cm, 2mm float glas, 50x50cm, 2mm museum glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm float glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm museum glas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm floatglas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm museumglas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm museum glas
€ 21,95
maat en glassoort: 2x 50x60cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x60cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm float glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm museum glas, 4x 70x90cm, 2mm float glas, 4x 70x90cm, 2mm museum glas, 13x18cm, 2mm museumglas AR70, 18x24cm, 2mm floatglas, 18x24cm, 2mm museumglas AR70, 24x30cm, 2mm float glas, 24x30cm, 2mm museumglas, 30x30cm, 2mm float glas, 30x30cm, 2mm museum glas, 30x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x40cm, 2mm float glas, 40x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x50cm, 2mm float glas, 40x50cm, 2mm museum glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm float glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x50cm, 2mm float glas, 50x50cm, 2mm museum glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm float glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm museum glas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm floatglas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm museumglas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm museum glas
€ 21,95
maat en glassoort: 2x 50x70cm, 2mm float glas, 18x24cm, 2mm floatglas, 18x24cm, 2mm museumglas AR70, 24x30cm, 2mm float glas, 24x30cm, 2mm museumglas, 30x30cm, 2mm float glas, 30x30cm, 2mm museum glas, 30x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x40cm, 2mm float glas, 40x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x50cm, 2mm float glas, 40x50cm, 2mm museum glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm float glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x50cm, 2mm float glas, 50x50cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x60cm, 2mm float glas, 50x60cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x65cm, 2mm float glas, 50x70cm, 2mm float glas, 50x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 60x80cm, 2mm float glas, 60x80cm, 2mm museum glas, 70x70cm, 2mm float glas, 70x70cm, 2mm museum glas, A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm float glas, A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm museum glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm float glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm museum glas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm floatglas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm museumglas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x90cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x90cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm museum glas
€ 13,95
maat en glassoort: 18x24cm, 2mm floatglas, 18x24cm, 2mm museumglas AR70, 24x30cm, 2mm float glas, 24x30cm, 2mm museumglas, 30x30cm, 2mm float glas, 30x30cm, 2mm museum glas, 30x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x40cm, 2mm float glas, 40x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x50cm, 2mm float glas, 40x50cm, 2mm museum glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm float glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x50cm, 2mm float glas, 50x50cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x60cm, 2mm float glas, 50x60cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x65cm, 2mm float glas, 50x70cm, 2mm float glas, 50x70cm, 2mm museum glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm float glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm museum glas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm floatglas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm museumglas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas0x100cm, 2mm float glas 60x80cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas60x80cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas70x70cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas70x70cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas70x90cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas70x90cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glasA1(59,4x84cm), 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glasA1(59,4x84cm), 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm museum glas
€ 4,95
Grijskarton: 1200 grams = 2.2 mm dik 70x100cm, 2000 grams = 3.1 mm dik 70x100cm
€ 23,95
maat en glassoort: 2x 50x60cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x60cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm float glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm museum glas, 4x 70x90cm, 2mm float glas, 4x 70x90cm, 2mm museum glas, 18x24cm, 2mm floatglas, 18x24cm, 2mm museumglas AR70, 24x30cm, 2mm float glas, 24x30cm, 2mm museumglas, 30x30cm, 2mm float glas, 30x30cm, 2mm museum glas, 30x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x40cm, 2mm float glas, 40x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x50cm, 2mm float glas, 40x50cm, 2mm museum glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm float glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x50cm, 2mm float glas, 50x50cm, 2mm museum glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm float glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm museum glas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm floatglas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm museumglas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm museum glas
€ 26,95
maat en glassoort: 2x 50x60cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x60cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm float glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm museum glas, 18x24cm, 2mm floatglas, 18x24cm, 2mm museumglas AR70, 24x30cm, 2mm float glas, 24x30cm, 2mm museumglas, 30x30cm, 2mm float glas, 30x30cm, 2mm museum glas, 30x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x40cm, 2mm float glas, 40x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x50cm, 2mm float glas, 40x50cm, 2mm museum glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm float glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x50cm, 2mm float glas, 50x50cm, 2mm museum glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm float glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm museum glas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm floatglas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm museumglas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x90cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x90cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm museum glas
€ 26,95
maat en glassoort: 2x 50x60cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x60cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm float glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm museum glas, 18x24cm, 2mm floatglas, 18x24cm, 2mm museumglas AR70, 24x30cm, 2mm float glas, 24x30cm, 2mm museumglas, 30x30cm, 2mm float glas, 30x30cm, 2mm museum glas, 30x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x40cm, 2mm float glas, 40x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x50cm, 2mm float glas, 40x50cm, 2mm museum glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm float glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x50cm, 2mm float glas, 50x50cm, 2mm museum glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm float glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm museum glas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm floatglas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm museumglas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x90cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x90cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm museum glas
€ 23,95
maat en glassoort: 2x 50x60cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x60cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm float glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm museum glas, 4x 70x90cm, 2mm float glas, 4x 70x90cm, 2mm museum glas, 18x24cm, 2mm floatglas, 18x24cm, 2mm museumglas AR70, 24x30cm, 2mm float glas, 24x30cm, 2mm museumglas, 30x30cm, 2mm float glas, 30x30cm, 2mm museum glas, 30x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x40cm, 2mm float glas, 40x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x50cm, 2mm float glas, 40x50cm, 2mm museum glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm float glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x50cm, 2mm float glas, 50x50cm, 2mm museum glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm float glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm museum glas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm floatglas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm museumglas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm museum glas
€ 4,95
maat: Bordenhanger metaal, 15-20cm, Bordenhanger metaal, 20-30cm, Bordenhanger metaal, 25-35cm, Bordenhanger metaal met witte plastificatie, 36-46cm
€ 7,95
maat: Set Lijsthoeken voor randloze ophanging, 4 hoeken met 4 meter nylon draad, voor lijsten tot 55x70cm, max 6mm dik totaal, Set Lijsthoeken voor randloze ophanging, 4 hoeken met 4 meter nylon draad, voor lijsten tot 100x70cm, max 8mm dik totaal
€ 2,95
maat: Afstandhouder kunststof, 17,8x9,6mm, rond zelfklevend, Set ophangplaat zelfklevend 45x45mm, draagkracht 1 kilo, incl. schroef,plug, muurplaat, no 135405, Set ophangplaat zelfklevend 70x70mm, draagkracht 3 kilo, incl. schroef,plug, muurplaat no no 1354100, Set ophangplaat zelfklevend 100x100mm, draagkracht 6 kilo, incl. schroef,plug, muurplaat no 135420, Set ophangplaat zelfklevend 100x200mm, draagkracht 12 kilo, incl. schroef,plug, muurplaat no 135430
€ 69,95
MAAT KLEUR DIKTE: 10 stuks CREME, dikte 1,1 mmm 50,5x71cm, 10 stuks CREME, dikte 1,1 mmm 101x71cm, 10 stuks CREME, dikte 1,6 mmm 50,5x71cm, 10 stuks CREME, dikte 1,6 mmm 101x71cm, 10 stuks NATUURWIT, dikte 1,1 mmm 50,5x71cm, 10 stuks NATUURWIT, dikte 1,1 mmm 101x71cm, 10 stuks NATUURWIT, dikte 1,6 mmm 101x71cm, 10 stuks ZWART zwarte kern, dikte 1,1 mmm 50,5x71cm, 10 stuks ZWART zwarte kern, dikte 1,1 mmm 101x71cm, 10 stuks ZWART zwarte kern, dikte 1,6 mmm 101x71cm
€ 69,95
MAAT KLEUR DIKTE: 10 stuks CREME, dikte 1,1 mmm 55,5x81cm, 10 stuks CREME, dikte 1,1 mmm 111x81cm, 10 stuks CREME, dikte 1,6 mmm 11x81cm, 10 stuks NATUURWIT, dikte 1,1 mmm 55,5x81cm, 10 stuks NATUURWIT, dikte 1,1 mmm 111x81cm, 10 stuks NATUURWIT, dikte 1,6 mmm 50x40cm, 10 stuks NATUURWIT, dikte 1,6 mmm 111x81cm, 10 stuks ZWART zwarte kern, dikte 1,1 mmm 55,5x81cm, 10 stuks ZWART zwarte kern, dikte 1,1 mmm 111x81cm, 10 stuks ZWART zwarte kern, dikte 1,6 mmm 111x81cm
€ 23,95
maat en glassoort: 2x 50x60cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x60cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x65cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 50x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 60x80cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm float glas, 2x 70x70cm, 2mm museum glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm float glas, 2x A1(59,4x84cm), 2mm museum glas, 4x 70x90cm, 2mm float glas, 4x 70x90cm, 2mm museum glas, 18x24cm, 2mm floatglas, 18x24cm, 2mm museumglas AR70, 24x30cm, 2mm float glas, 24x30cm, 2mm museumglas, 30x30cm, 2mm float glas, 30x30cm, 2mm museum glas, 30x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x40cm, 2mm float glas, 40x40cm, 2mm museum glas, 40x50cm, 2mm float glas, 40x50cm, 2mm museum glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm float glas, 42x59,4cm, 2mm museum glas, 50x50cm, 2mm float glas, 50x50cm, 2mm museum glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm float glas, A3(29,7x42cm), 2mm museum glas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm floatglas, A4(21x29,7cm, 2mm museumglas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 70x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x100cm, 2mm museum glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm float glas, ALLEEN OPHALEN 80x110cm, 2mm museum glas